MCG Publications
The needs and aspirations of the dependants and families of seafarers under retirement age
17 July 2017

Following an earlier study in 2006 into the needs and aspirations of dependants of seafarers and their families, and a recent demographic analysis of current and future numbers, the Maritime Charities Group (MCG) wishes to gain an up-to-date understanding of current needs and aspirations. The research aimed to:
- Build on the current and future demographic profiles of the dependants and families of seafarers under retirement age as developed in the Demographic Profile carried out by the Institute of Public Care in 2015.
- Identify and present patterns of needs and aspirations of dependants and families of seafarers under retirement age across the three seafaring groups.
- Compare and contrast the profile and patterns with those of the wider population in the UK.
- Identify any patterns or dimensions specific to the lives of the dependants and families of seafarers under retirement age, compared to their peers in the general population.
- Consider the implications of these findings for current and future provision of services to the dependants and families of seafarers under retirement age.